I realize now from reading most of these posts that all I ever talk about is my relationships with other people. I wonder if that will change as I post more on here. Right now I don't think so.
So I'm seeing an older man, intellectual, critical, and distant. Behind closed doors, he's caring, considerate, and dependable. I don't know what to make of it. I know I posted about him some time before.
I'm single again, and reevaluating my past relationships. I think it's best I stay that way and date around...see where this takes me.
::Later Today::
The friend turned lover I thought fit so well with me didn't fit so well. We should've stayed friends. I cried for him more than I cried for any other boy friend. He really let me down, and I blame his age. There was a reason I would always go for the older guys.
The older man was right about my relationship the whole time, and after much reflection, I see that I was in love with the idea of a relationship and our potential then actually him. He was not the right guy for me. As I posted some months ago, other guys were replacements for him. I need someone logical, solid, intellectually and physically stimulating. He was right, and he faught for me. So now that you got me sir, what will you do now? Will my prediction come true about us? Once we have each other, will we become bored and look else where?