Then there were alumns that talked about programs they had to offer and some of the many three hundred clubs established at the university. Of course I was interested in Medill school of Journalism and the international studies degree. They had lots of travel abroad opportunities as well, from Paris to South Africa, and I was sold. Lots of smart kids were there. All of them seemed to have 4.0 gpas or higher with excellent test scores. I couldn't help thinking, damn, that's my competiton? Which made me feel a bit inadequete. Also the price of the place is crazy. $50,000 dollars a year with all expenses. But I love it. I really do.
50,000! I wonder what the U of C costs now. U of Penn is in the 40s. So stupid for such great schools. But if you love it, GO THERE! Be happy or at least mildly content at the school of your choice!
It would be wonderfully nice, to have such an opportunity
However I would personally die at such a price, but I have, unfortunately, settled in my socioeconomic status into a local mediocre college with magnificient oak trees and a colorful mix of mediocre teachers
all fitting for me, for I am and destined the mediocre man.
But I love big trees, see. And that's what matters to me.
You, my best friend Lori, are destined for greatness and opportunity. Seize opportunity first!
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