Sunday, December 23, 2007

Great Russian Novels

All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade- Tolstoy's Anna Karenina

I've been depressed as fuck lately. All of my plans for the holidays have been in disarray. Dad was angry this weekend because of financial problems, and he took his anger out on me. Came early while I was at the Kill Hannah concert yesterday that I was enjoying greatly. I had to leave before it was over. Devastated. Just fucking devastated. This whole week, one disappointment after the next, and now it's winter break, and I'm screwed and loaded with homework and scholarship applications and blah blah. I think I might just say fuck it all and stay in bed all week reading Anna Karenina.


Enemy of the Republic said...

Oh, I love that one. If you really want to get depressed, read Crime and Punishment by Doestoevsky if you haven't already.

Happy Holidays to ya.

David said...

ooohwee, lori--
This was posted before with had a conversation!