Who will survive. I'm losing all my friends. Will I lose the one I care about most of all?
Robert: Lori I just feel really hurt honestly I feel like my best friend doesn't accept me for me and it makes me feel alone. like I have no one
Me: i feel alone too. and i don't know how to connect to you or anyone anymore..the only connection i allow with justin is sex, my ultimate release..i'm being selfish..basically i hate myself..and i don't know if it's a phase or what
Me: i just feel like dying and being reborn sometimes..forget everything and leave
Robert: I can kinda understand
Robert: but yeah...
Robert: I luv u but damn
Robert: I don't wanna feel like that around u all the time
Robert: I mean do I make u feel like that?
Me: I don't like anyone really anymore..i don't accept myself or my accomplishments..so how do i expect to accept or honor anyone elses..i just feel really shitty
Lori Moody: i'm cold blooded..my mom was right..i'm heartless
We got into it. I told him how I hated him, and was mad at him for so many years of caring about him and feeling like he neglected me. I was angry at him for so long, and he felt it before I realized it. It's karma. I'm suppose to suffer this with him. How can I love him, really love him, when he's so distant from me. Sexuality, expectations tears us apart, but puts us together. It's torture. I don't think I want to live through this.
good thing I'm a pluto because you're not gonna get rid of me; haven't talked to in awhile still, but that doesn't mean squat
Pluto going through your 11th house has been a common theme for quite some time for you, but I'm sure it has come to the forefront being at a critical degree (0*) and opposite jupiter right on orb--expanding your difficulties, showing differences of views
that's a good site to look at
Give me a talk soon
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